Guava, the Apple of the Tropics
Guava, is a tropical fruit oval in shape similar to an apple, originating from Mexico and Central America. Today it is also grown across Asia, primarily on the Indian sub-continent. Guava has several different names across the world – it is commonly known as Goiaba (Portuguese), Guayabo or Guayavo (Spanish), Payara (in Thailand) and Baybas (in the Philippines). Guava is also known as Amrood in parts of the Indian subcontinent and Middle East, a variant of armoot meaning "pear" in Arabic and Turkish.
Guava is eaten as a fresh fruit, turned into beverages and has a wide array of culinary uses particularly in Latin American countries. In Mexico, Brazil and other Latin American countries, Guava is used in culinary sauces (hot or cold), ales, candies, dried snacks, fruit bars, ice creams and desserts. It is also used to produce pulque (pulque de guava), a popular regional alcoholic beverage and ancestor of tequila. Guava paste is also commonly used as a filling for biscuits, mainly consumed in the afternoon, with coffee, and also at children’s birthday parties.In Asia, fresh raw guava is often dipped in preserved plum powder mixed with sugar or salt, and a tea is made from guava fruits and leaves.
Guavas are considered a super fruit, being rich in vitamins C, A omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and with especially high levels of dietary fiber. Additionally, recent medicinal research has fond extracts from its leaves and bark as providing possible therapeutic mechanisms against cancer, bacterial infections, inflammation, and pain.
The Guava market is distinctive and unconventional with almost all fresh fruit production globally being domestically consumed.
Guava global production in 2018 reached a high of 6.8 million MT on only 85,000 MT of global trade.
India is by far the largest producer of Guava accounting for 58% of global production followed by Pakistan and Brazil with 7% and 5% respectively.
Ecuador is one of the few export orientated producer countries. It is the largest exporter of Guava with an estimated volume of 30,000 MT.
Regionally speaking, the Middle East is the largest importer of Guava where it is processed into juices and drinks.
Guava exports are composed of three key segments - fresh fruit (38%), paste/puree (25%) and prepared/preserved (25%).
Guava Key Stats
Guava Production by Country
(1'000 Metric Tons)
Source: Food & Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO)

Guava Consumption by Country
(1'000 Metric Tons)
Source: Food & Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO)

Guava Exports by Share

Source: Food & Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO)
Guava Imports by Share

Source: Food & Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO)
Guava is considered a super fruit and is known as the Apple of the Tropics.
Did You Know?
One Guava fruit contains 4x the Vitamin C content present in oranges, providing up to 628% of ones daily nutritional value.
Spanish explorers are said to have first spotted the Guava in South America in 1500.
Guava wood is used for meat smoking in Hawaii and is used at BBQ competitions across the United States.
U.S imports of fresh Guava fruit are sky rocketing. They are up 34% p.a. since 2015 reaching 9,600 MT in 2018.
U.S. Department of Agriculture