The Globalization of Mango Production & Consumption
The globalization of mango production and consumption is a relatively new phenomenon that is experiencing rapid growth. Over the past ten years, trade in mango products alone has tripled to over USD 2 billion, with supply unable to keep up with demand. Mangos are native to South East Asia and have become one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the tropics. It is the national fruit of India and Pakistan with the earliest known reference to the cultivation of mangos being traced to India up to 2,000 BC There are more than one thousand varieties, and each country produces a different set of mangos with their own specific characteristics.
Mango trees grow in frost-free, warm tropical and subtropical climates, primarily in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The leading mango producing countries are India and China with approximately 46% and 8% of total global production, respectively. Although mango is the fifth most cultivated fruit in the world, most of the production is still locally consumed with trade relatively limited due to lack of export supply. To put things into perspective, India is the world's largest producer and yet exports less than 1% of its production.
The global mango market is still evolving with demand rising as people become more familiar with it and include it into their diets. Health conscious consumers are including them more and more into their diets as mangos are low in calories, high in fibre and a great source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. In the U.S mango as an ingredient in the food service segment has increased in penetration from 1.9% in 2008 to 15.4% in 2013. Mangos are found in juices, ice cream, cereals and pastries among many other food products. There is particularly high demand for ready to eat mangos in individual containers, as well as processed mangos, including dried and pureed mango.
Mango global production reached a record high of 45 million MT in 2018.
Almost all mango production is consumed domestically with world trade accounting for only 4% of total production.
India is the worlds largest producer of mangos accounting for 46% of global production followed by China and Thailand with 8% and 7% respectively.
Although Asia produces over 75% of all mango supply annually, its share of the export market is severely disproportional. Regionally, South America dominates exports with over 50% followed by Asia with 36%.
South American countries are export orientated led by Mexico, Peru and Brazil who together account for 50% of all exports.
The U.S is the worlds largest importer of mangos, importing 476,908 MT last year. 66% of which come from Mexico followed by Ecuador and Peru.
EU countries collectively import over 450,000 MT of mangos. One third of this is related to re-export from other EU countries, mainly the Netherlands. More than 40% of EU imports come from South America and about 10% percent from Asia.
The Netherlands is a global transit country. 35% of its imports go to Germany and it is the source of 40% of all of French mango imports.
The U.K import market is very different to the rest of Europe. The majority of mangos imported come from Pakistan and India while the rest of Europe is highly dependent on South American varieties.
Mango Key Stats
Mango Production by Country
(1'000 Metric Tons)
Food & Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO)
National Horticulture Board (India)
Department of Agricultural Extension (Thailand)
Ministry of Food Security and Research (Pakistan)

Mango Consumption by Country
(1'000 Metric Tons)
National Horticulture Board (India)
Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (India)
Department of Agricultural Extension (Thailand)
Indonesian Center for Agricultural Data & Information System (Indonesia)
Ministry of National Food Security & Research (Pakistan)
Food & Agriculture Organization of the U.N (FAO)

Mango Exports by Share

Mango Imports by Share

Source: AGRI Developments
Source: AGRI Developments
Guimaras mangos from the Philippines are the world’s sweetest mango according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Did You Know?
Mangos, cashews and pistachios are all related falling under the Anacardiaceae family of plants.
The famous paisley art pattern developed in India is based on the shape of a mango.
Mango leaves are highly significant in Hinduism representing prosperity and fertility. Leaves are also often hung from doors and windows to keep out negative spiritual energy.
Over the past 10 years trade in mango products alone has more than tripled, rising an average 12% p.a.
The Duke University Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness